September 30, 2024

Wisconsin DPI Releases General School Aids Estimate for the 2024-25 School Year

Wisconsin DPI News 2024-2025 General School Aids

Over the summer, the DPI released the estimate for general aids for each Wisconsin public school district for the 2024-25 school year.

The largest type of state-driven support for public schools in Wisconsin, general school aids can be used by a recipient district for the financing of the general educational programs of that particular district. With general school aids, use of funds isn’t limited to any specific program, purpose or target population. Each year, due to Wisconsin statutes, it is required that the department publish estimated aid amounts by July 1.

If you’d like to learn more about general aid, you can check out the Wisconsin DPI’s General Aid page. It has information on general aid certification, links to aid payment, and many other topics, as well as categorical aid — which is different from general aid, as districts are restricted in their use of categorical aid.


According to the DPI in their news release

The current estimate is based on the 2023-25 biennial budget and pupil count and budget data reported by school districts to the DPI. Due to previously reported delays in financial data reporting by Milwaukee Public Schools, the DPI anticipates greater than usual volatility in these estimates. Figures used in this estimate may change by a greater than usual amount for the certification of general school aids, which takes place by Oct. 15, 2024. The department therefore encourages caution when utilizing this estimate. The DPI will provide more information if it learns more about potential significant, unexpected adjustments to this estimate in the intervening months.

That said, here are some highlights from the estimate for general aids:

  • Estimated general school aids for 2024-25 equals $5.58 billion.
  • This represents an increase of 4.2 percent over the 2023-24 school year.
  • District payments are expected to increase by (an estimated) $234.3 million
    • This is because of an increase of $224.9 million, as per the state budget passed by the Wisconsin State Legislature.
    • This amount is also effected by the decrease in the required Milwaukee Public Schools funding for the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program due to statutory changes.
  • There are 421 school districts in Wisconsin, and 289 of these (68.6 percent) are estimated to receive an increased amount of general aids as compared to 2023-24.
  • On the contrary, 124 districts (29.5 percent) are slated to receive less, while eight districts can expect no change in aid this year.
  • As per the Wisconsin’s hold harmless aid provision, 64 districts are estimated to receive the maximum 15 percent decrease.


According to the DPI, general aid for a district can increase or decrease due to:

Changes in any of the three local factors comprising Wisconsin's general equalization aid formula — property valuation, enrollment, and shared costs — as well as a difference in funds available from the state. A summary of the 2023-24 general aid eligibility adjustment can be found in this workbook.

Along with Wisconsin’s school districts, we’re interested to see where the general aid numbers land on October 15, when certification of general school aids occurs.